The Artists

1. Elizabeth Roskam

Station #1 “Mary”

Elizabeth as an oil painter is continually inspired by beauty. “And beauty comes in many forms: in color, perspective, light and proportion. And nothing is more beautiful than the work of God. The Psalmist must have been thinking of a sunset when he wrote: ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.’” (Psalm 19:1).


2. Tim Botts

Station #2 “Joseph”

Tim studied graphic design and calligraphy at Carnegie-Mellon University. He designed more than 600 books during his 40 years at Tyndale House Publishers before retiring in 2012. Since 1975 he has taught calligraphy with College of DuPage. He is artistic director for Masterpiece Project, an outreach to high school students in the arts.
Ten books of his own work are published including his newest on African American spirituals, “Bound for Glory”.


3. Lisa Shabez

Station #3 “Glad News”

Lisa is a graduate of the American Academy of Art with a degree in Fine Art and a focus on oil painting. She has worked in mediums of oil, pastel, oil pastel, watercolor and more recently stained glass. She finds challenge and reward in communicating through line, color and composition and is forever grateful to God, the giver of all gifts, for her gift of a passion to create.
“My goal is always the same; to seek God’s truth in my task and to be able to express it so that it can be received and understood by others”.


4. Marsha English

Station #4 “Decree”

Marsha English is a self-taught artist that works in many medias such as paint, photography, fabric work, crafts, and paper sculpturing to name a few. “God gave me a ton of imagination and lots of creativity. The best part of working on my art is God and I spend a lot of time together as I work on my pieces. It's a quiet time for me while my hands are busy my thoughts are available
for beautiful conversations with our God.”

5. Steve Puttrich

Station #5
“Journey to Bethlehem”

Art for me is a way of connecting shapes to tell a story; connecting people in shared experiences to a place and time. My work at creating art, connecting people and experiencing life, as a gift, is in a
way a beautiful form of worship back to God.


6. Don Ryan

Station #6
“No Room in the Inn”

My love for art began early, watching my mother draw and paint. Professional training later taught me to observe light on form, but didn’t teach about the creator. I see God’s touch on all creation and know Jesus Christ is my savior; I seek to express His glory through my art.



7. Raed Masih

Station #7
“The Birth of Jesus”

Raed was born in 1963 in Nazareth, Israel to Christian parents who also had a talent in the arts. As a young adult, he was drawn to loving art and appreciated the skills that every person had in producing, or making art. Raed enrolled in college for a one year program studying Architectural drawing, which helped him acquire new skills. Humbly, he applies all of his talents to the glory of God.

8. Marc Mantasoot

Station #8
“Wise Men Following the Star”

We are all made in the image of our Creator. Jesus Christ provides me with the life, hope, and insight that I need to shape my corner of the world with truth and grace. In my poems, I use ambiguity, close rhymes, and musicality to provoke hope, challenging people to see the colors of the unseen. I seek to do the same with my first mixed media painting.

9. Cornelia Oprisanu

Station #9
“The Shepherds in the Fields”

I grew up in a communist country where Christians were persecuted. We are now living in freedom and my passion is to use this freedom to spread the Good News of Jesus through my missionary work, music and art.

10. Pat Armbruster

Station #10 “Frankincense”

Capturing a likeness, is honoring to the Creator who designed us in His image. Although this art form demands a lot, it is wonderful to see a person’s image take shape on a canvas. After 35 years of study, I still enjoy the challenge and hope that others are drawn to appreciate the beauty of the human face too.


11. Lisa Pires

Station #11 “Gold”

One of my greatest joys in life is creating. For over 35 years, my vocation has been as a creative director. I have recently gone back to my first love of painting, where
I will continue on this journey of storytelling. Drawn to the magnificence of God’s creation, I have an overwhelming desire to express and interpret this through my painting. I want my art to reflect the beauty of God’s heart, releasing His voice through my creativity. God is my ultimate inspiration. My story will continue to unfold.

12. Mary Whitmer

Station #12 “Myrrh”

I have been fortunate to see amazing visual diversity throughout the world as I have traveled extensively for the past several decades.  My career experience in professional photography has enriched my vision to see the unique colors, designs and relationships of subject matter that I photograph and use those elements for my fine art. Our God, the Creator and ultimate Artist, gives us His gifts, which we can use for His glory and adoration.



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